How do students who are continuing online get the academic material?

  • The academic material (worksheets, presentations, answer sheets) will be available in real – time through the Curriculum Updates feature on the Wal – Sh app. Please follow and keep track of the curriculum being covered for your child’s class on a daily basis. The tutorial that will help you with this can be found here.

  • You can download this academic material from the app and have our student go through it. Unfortunately, no live teaching will be available but you can reach us on in case of any queries or for further academic support that you may need.

  • Further, you can access the eLearning lectures, practice quizzes and test bytes on Walmiki for additional practice of each concept being taught in the core subjects as part of the curriculum. Some homework assignments are done entirely on Walmiki and those must be done and submitted on time by our student.

How do students who are continuing online appear for exams?

  • Our student should appear online for the Unit test exams as per the schedule specified in the school calendar. The question papers will be made available in Wal – Sh through the Curriculum Updates feature as per the exam schedule. You will have to make sure the exams are attempted and submitted before the given due date, in order to get the papers checked by the teachers. Further instructions regarding how the answer sheets should be sent across to the school, will be shared closer to the exam date

  • The Practice tests for these exams will also be made available to you, along with the model answer sheets as per a specific schedule too. Our student will be able to solve them in real – time as well, and self check the answers by referring to the “model answer key” that shows the marking scheme for the points covered in the answer.

  • The Language orals will be conducted as an online assignment. The actual assignment and the submission protocols will be shared through email closer to the date. 

How do parents who are continuing online connect with the teachers?

You will continue to receive information about the PTM schedules. You can join the meetings as per your convenience, if you wish to interact with the subject teachers.

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